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L'Art aux temps du Coronavirus - installation de l'artiste italienne Lidia Chiarelli, Agliè-Turin

17 Septembre 2020, 14:44pm

Publié par image.poésie

L'artiste italienne Lidia Chiarelli a exposé son travail "L'Art aux temps du Coronavirus"  à Agliè (Turin) lors de la cérémonie de remise des prix du concours littéraire IL MELETO DI GUIDO GOZZANO.
le 12 Septembre 2020

L'Art aux temps du Coronavirus - installation de l'artiste italienne Lidia Chiarelli, Agliè-Turin
L'Art aux temps du Coronavirus - installation de l'artiste italienne Lidia Chiarelli, Agliè-Turin
L'Art aux temps du Coronavirus - installation de l'artiste italienne Lidia Chiarelli, Agliè-Turin

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"Open-Air Market" by Khe Iem, Vietnam

15 Septembre 2020, 18:25pm

Publié par image.poésie




disorderly, sunny and windy

breaths of days madly singing


eliminating everything

fluttering, fluttering

birds fly about

beware of twilight

closing the door

Khe Iem


Khe Iem, Vietnamese playwright, storywriter, poet, editor. 

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"Coffee" poem by Khe Iem, Vietnam

15 Septembre 2020, 18:20pm

Publié par image.poésie



set the oars

the empty ferry-boat

supposes such

metaphorical words

do not trifle with memory


it has come time to bury alive

breath itself

drip drop

the coffee drips


Khe Iem

Khe Iem, Vietnamese playwright, storywriter, poet, editor. 

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1 Septembre 2020, 04:21am

Publié par image.poésie



Khe Iem


Boris Leonidovich Pasternak (1890 – 1960) was a Russian poet and writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1958. He is world famous for his novel Doctor Zhivago, but Russians place most of his importance on poetry.  Olga Ivinskaya, the poetry editor of “The New World” magazine, was Boris Pasterak’s lover. He told her, “My life, my angel, I love you." Olga Vsevolodovna Ivinskaya became the prototype of the female character lead in the novel Doctor Zhivago.  By the time they met, she was 34 years old, and he was 56. For Pasternak, the most important thing was that she loved him not only as a famous poet but also because he was present in her life.


Pasternak’s love story asks us a question, “What is love?”  The poem may be an art form, but the poem is also in the soul, along with Love, which has a romantic spirit, not related to age, status, or social strata.  In the 20th century, American Free Verse poetry was made in an era of reason, but, in the 21st century, poetry has returned to regulation, re-establishing a new romantic period. Culture, of course, makes people, while people create civilizations. Poetry is a typical product of culture, so the higher the culture, the deeper the poetry is, and the more popular it is as well. But what about Love? Love, too, must produce an understanding to establish sympathy. Yet, Pasternak was a poet, and Olga was a poetry editor.


First of all, we should learn about people. People are formed by consciousness and unconsciousness, thoughts and emotions. And, then opinion filtered through the filter of the mind, is based upon beliefs stored in the subconscious, blended with emotions, making our separate reality. The mind filters are different for everyone because neurotransmitters, electrical impulses and DNA create different personalities. For example, if we examine Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings as distorted reality, or if faced with a difficult incident, a person will feel pitiful, scared or helpless … as nobody resembles anyone else. Still, the thinkers, over time, think that the reality (the world) we know is just an illusion. Reality is not an illusion, but our original version is an illusion. We perceive reality not as being itself but through what we want it to exist.  


Before the 19th century, people lived according to emotions, with poetic lines of formal poetry written according to feelings.  By the 20th century, science and technology had so developed that people leaned increasingly toward reason, including Free Verse poetry, such as the collection Leaves of Grass (Lá Cỏ) by Walt Whitman (1856). But, in the 21st century, people have begun to return to more poetic forms by changing accordingly, although these forms are no longer like the 19th century forms. Thus, human emotions have also been amended from time to time and over time as well.


An unexpected incident, COVID-19 emerged (apparently) in Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China. Here, we are not talking about political issues but about social changes. People are facing difficulties economic recession, rising unemployment beyond their capabilities. Not only that, but the Wuhan virus also isolates people; no one  can be near anyone, even relatives. But, in the usual way, it seems that this is more than reasonable. The Wuhan virus tells us one thing: everything in the world is frivolous and has no meaning. The universe is composed of yin and yang. People are good and evil.  The Wuhan virus tells us who we are amid this life, full of uncertainty and suffering. Each of us feels lonely, but, because of that, we are always yearning for human Love.


            Life’s tears mirror

            The more you love each other, the more you miss them 


This folk verse is for those who love passionately, expressing their Love through the Love of each other. This brings us to a love story, different from that of Boris Pasternak.


If the love affair between Boris Pasternak and Olga Vinskaya happened in October 1946, a new affair has emerged in July 2020.  She is an orthopedist, and he is an artist. The Wuhan Virus pushed her to find friends on Facebook, and she met him, both exchanging information to get to know one another. Unexpectedly, Love broke out. According to Jesper, "flashes of insight are moments when the mind is relaxed and does not think methodically or logically. This may explain why, when relaxing and letting the mind wander, the frontal lobe falls into the state of temporary sleep, making it easier for us to bring ideas from the subconscious into the conscious. New ideas will appear." That is the step of Love. But not everyone has taken this step. Oh, how miraculous it is. 


She said that she divorced her ex-husband and found her new husband. She felt excited and wondered why a woman like her could be so happy online. She suddenly realized that, when she loved a man, she loved blindly; no one could change, or alter her Love for him. Before meeting him, she always told herself to protect herself from falling in Love, away from all forms of relationships. In the end, the romantic nature made them fall in Love.


Women are more romantic, and, when they have established their feelings for another, they say, “I love you” more often, and “men [attracted to women] can easily fall in love from afar,” according to Jonathan Bennett and David Bennett. In the history of literature, music and cinema, the themes are mostly about love. Outstanding of the Renaissance, such as the tragedy Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, and the love novels of the modern colonial era, such as Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez.


To conclude, please consider the quote at the end of the letter: “The first time I heard you say: I love you, it was like a burden that had been taken off my shoulder. I heard but was scared. I want to hear it many times until the end of my life with you. You have opened a new and exciting door for us, which you cannot wait to explore with me. When I felt your touch, my heart melted, and my soul burned, wishing you would hold me and kiss me. You have become my best friend and my lover.”


If so, then everything is okay. But she wanted her lover to be her husband. And he, with the mind of an artist, just wanted to have a love filled with emotions. But true Love must be unfinished Love. So he tried to love her and didn’t want her to love him. He confessed to her, only to help her overcome loneliness after her divorce, with a brief wave of Love, to find someone else so she could remarry. Was what he wanted was right, or did he hurt her one more time?  It is as if no one was right, so full of suffering this life is. 


Finally, that is a story about a broken Love. Who is she? He did not know. All the details of her life, which she told him, he could not test. But he still believed that she was a lover in his imagination. The evolution of a story makes sense. Of course, it was just one of those strange incidents which helped me write this true story, for a moment of solace. The Wuhan virus is so horrible. It deforms humans and warns us not to trust anyone, even the most sincere Love.


Thursday, 7/23/2020 

Translated  from Vietnamese to English by Dr. William B. Noseworthy.

Dr. William B. Noseworthy, Assistant Professor of Asian History in the Department of History at McNeese State University, Louisiana.

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"Young Woman" poème par Khe Iem / Viêt Nam. Traduction et image par Lidia Chiarelli - avec une lettre par Gina Nguyen

18 Juillet 2020, 07:55am

Publié par image.poésie

JEUNE FEMME, image par Lidia Chiarelli, Italie

JEUNE FEMME, image par Lidia Chiarelli, Italie






tangled; eyes



mirror, comb

dressing table and chair


illuminating warm (rays of) blues and golds


feelings of falling in love

suppressed from beyond the front door

Khe Iem

Viêt Nam





emmêlés; yeux



miroir, peigne

coiffeuse et chaise


des rayons lumineux et chauds de bleu et d'or


le sentiment de tomber amoureux


reprimé de l'autre côté de la porte d'entrée


UNE LETTRE en anglais  par  Gina Nguyen




By Gina Nguyen


I think it is crazy how I never thought that I would wake up one morning and have fallen in love. Every day I think of you and it makes me happy. I know I will never have to worry about losing you because I know that you will never leave me. I know it but can't explain how.

I just wanted you to know that I am the luckiest woman to be with you. I have never been so happy in my life before I met you. You mean the whole world to me and I can't wait for the day when the world knows the love I have for you. I want nothing more than to be a perfect woman for You.

My sweetheart, loving you is like a flower that makes my whole day beautiful. Without you, my life is like an empty space which has no drop of joy and happiness. Every night when I go to my bed and after I wake up and all the hours in between, you occupy my mind. Every moment of the day, you are in my thoughts, you are the breath of my life. I promise you I will always be there for you in good and bad times, even if we face the roughest times; I will be always be there for you because I love you.

The first time I heard you say the words, "I love you," it was like a load had been taken off my shoulders. I heard them but was scared. I wanted to hear them again and again for the rest of my life from you. You have opened up new and exciting doors for us that I can't wait to explore with you. When I feel your touch, my heart melts and my soul is set on fire with desire to hold you and kiss you. You have become my very best friend and my lover


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Lidia Chiarelli - IL RICHIAMO DELL'ONDA - publication - prix du concours FLORISEUM - Sanremo

16 Juin 2020, 06:29am

Publié par image.poésie

IL RICHIAMO DELL'ONDA de Lidia Chiarelli

IL RICHIAMO DELL'ONDA de Lidia Chiarelli

Lidia Chiarelli, finaliste du concours de poésie FLORISEUM de Sanremo, a reçu en hommage la publication de son recueil de poésie IL RICHIAMO DELL'ONDA, Vitale Edizioni Sanremo - février 2020.

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Reflets Wallonie-Bruxelles (A.R.E.W.): Salvatore Gucciardo pour le #DylanDay

19 Mai 2020, 04:29am

Publié par image.poésie




Reflets Wallonie-Bruxelles

Revue de l’Association Royale des Ecrivains de Wallonie (A.R.E.W.)





Salvatore Gucciardo participe à la JOURNÉE


Activités - Echos & Informations



Célébration internationale en ligne de la Journée Dylan Thomas, Italie
Jeudi 14 mai 2020


Pour la 6e année consécutive depuis la conception de la JOURNÉE INTERNATIONALE DYLAN THOMAS (14 mai), un mouvement culturel qui célèbre le poète gallois visionnaire, Turin veut se souvenir de lui avec un événement qui s’inscrit dans le circuit des célébrations internationales, impliquant le panorama artistique de Turin sur un large spectre.
Images et mots pour Dylan Thomas est le titre du projet pour 2020 qui implique principalement des peintres, poètes et écrivains appartenant au Cercle des Artistes de Turin.
Italo Calvino voit dans ses associations labyrinthiques l’étape précédant immédiatement la peinture informelle.
Difficile, sinon impossible, une traduction capable de restituer fidèlement sa poésie, poésie qui – il est bon de s’en souvenir – était obscure pour ses propres enfants (Aeronwy et Colm) et que l’obscurité a été définie par les critiques littéraires.
Pour cette raison, un choix de vers a été fait à partir de la collection de ses poèmes, pouvant être traduits en images, avec le souhait des conservateurs qui peuvent vraiment être une source d’inspiration pour les peintres du cercle des Artistes de Turin. En même temps, certains poètes et écrivains ont été invités à s’exprimer avec une chanson personnelle libre et audacieuse pour se souvenir du dernier des poètes les plus transgressifs qui a créé avec ses mots de nouveaux passages mentaux courageux, des visions audacieuses et provocantes. L’exposition de célébration de la Journée internationale Dylan Thomas, initialement prévue le 14 mai au Circolo degli Artisti de Turin avec une exposition des peintures et des poèmes créés pour l’occasion, a été transformée en événement en ligne.


Salvatore Gucciardo participe à cet événement avec son tableau « L’âme cosmique » illustrant le poème de Dylan Thomas « La lumière point là où le soleil ne brille pas ».

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"IL RICHIAMO DELL'ONDA" recueil de poèmes de Lidia Chiarelli, Edizioni Vitale Sanremo 2020

21 Février 2020, 18:11pm

Publié par image.poésie

Publié comme prix du Concours littéraire FLORISEUM  Sanremo 2020

Publié comme prix du Concours littéraire FLORISEUM Sanremo 2020

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"Monet Experience" poème de Lidia Chiarelli - 1er prix au prix international de poésie inédite "BESIO 1860".

5 Janvier 2020, 05:37am

Publié par image.poésie

"Monet Experience" poème de Lidia Chiarelli - 1er prix au prix international de poésie inédite "BESIO 1860".

Monet Experience


                                                                                     Bordighera, Giardino di Villa Pompeo Mariani



J’ai peint aujourd’hui au son de la musique:

Bordighera était en fête…et les échos m’arrivaient sous les palmiers.

Claude Monet

Bordighera, 26 février 1884


Armonie di luci e colori

che un tempo

abbagliarono Monet.



essenze fresche di primavera

che eclissano ogni pensiero

nell’ora tarda del mattino


rose antiche si sfrangiano

                                                                   tra fiori di pesco

palme e limoni


( les pêchers mêlés

aux palmiers, aux citronniers…)


all’improvviso giocosi

 suoni di una banda lontana

 colorano l’aria

                                                        e  risvegliano vibranti emozioni.


                                                               È questo il momento

delle parole perdute

negli squarci di azzurro


 parole che tornano leggere

 per raccontare

                                                         l’incanto perfetto e rarefatto


di un giardino dai contorni sfumati


l’incanto di un giardino senza tempo.



Lidia Chiarelli

"Monet Experience" poème de Lidia Chiarelli - 1er prix au prix international de poésie inédite "BESIO 1860".

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FERLINGHETTI 100 - Expo à Turin (Décembre 2019)

7 Décembre 2019, 04:34am

Publié par image.poésie

FERLINGHETTI 100 - Expo à Turin (Décembre 2019)
FERLINGHETTI 100 - Expo à Turin (Décembre 2019)
FERLINGHETTI 100 - Expo à Turin (Décembre 2019)
FERLINGHETTI 100 - Expo à Turin (Décembre 2019)
FERLINGHETTI 100 - Expo à Turin (Décembre 2019)
FERLINGHETTI 100 - Expo à Turin (Décembre 2019)

Soixante-dix artistes sont à Turin pour célébrer le 100e anniversaire de Lawrence Ferlinghetti - Palazzo Birago via Carlo Alberto 16 Torino 

(Photo Credit: Cesare Dallafiore)

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