"Pensée Divine" poésie et image par Aicha Skandrani, France - Tunisie
link http://www.aicha-skandrani-artiste-lumiere.com
Pensée Divine
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link http://www.aicha-skandrani-artiste-lumiere.com
Pensée Divine
Just before
the first bite
she has no shame
in her garden
her tiny wrists
limp and pure
as stems of white lilies
and baby's breath
kissed with morning dew
by the serpent's
crimson seduction,
it's already too late,
though the forbidden fruit
is still untouched
by porcelain fingers
His blood red venom
engulfs her innocence
stings her flesh
with intrigue
and desire
her doll-like structure
created for man
hesitantly reaches
for her independence
as she salivates
for the pomme's verboten nectar
she takes
the first bite
© 2000, Mia Barkan Clarke
(Tea With Nana by Mia Barkan Clarke)