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Les expositions

, 07:42am

locandina gactis

                                                                                       (copyright Gianpiero Actis)



  • The Object, Alfa Teatro Hall, Torino, Italy, 2007
  • I Colori delle Parole: Gianpiero Actis responds to Aeronwy Thomas, Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea, Wales, UK, 2007
  • Streetlamp & Moon, Arte Città Amica, Torino, Italy, 2008
  • The Door, Torino Art Gallery, Torino, Italy, 2009
  • Omaggio alla poesia di Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Arte Città Amica, Torino, Italy 2010
  • Colors of shadow and other works, Clifton Arts Center, Clifton, New Jersey, U.S.A., 2011
  • Immagine & Poesia à Monte Carlo, Hôtel Olympia, Boulevard de France, Monte Carlo, Exposition permanente