LIEN: http://daniellebilodeau.com/
On the eve of my Birthday
I awoke in a vivid dream
A wonderous fairy garden where
A curly, blue haired unicorn
Came trotting, quickly, towards me.
She came and stopped beside me
I reached to stroke her neck.
She was warm silky soft,
The next thing I knew
I am upon her back!
Across the fields we were racing
I saw about the flowers strew.
Many kinds, colours, wonderful scents,
“This land is alive and
Finally, Spring has come through!”
Behind me is time that's past
I see the future come clearer;
A little patience I need
And my shiny little unicorn
Will help be my bearer.
“Believe in me, I am you!”
I heard her in my mind.
Then we parted for now,
Awaking in the morning knowing:
Love, family and friendship abound!
Danielle Bilodeau