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"Ange Noa" tableau et poème de
"Hildegarde" tableau de SYLVIA ADJABROUX, France
(copyright de l'artiste)
LIEN: http://www.sylvieadjabroux.com/
Hildegarde de Beden, artiste et poète
Art & Poetry Tree, installation de Lidia Chiarelli, Torino, Italie
Arte Città Amica, via Rubiana 15, Torino, Italie - Exposition "Hommage à Lawrence Ferlinghetti" ( 7 - 18 septembre, 2010)
Les visiteurs peuvent accrocher leurs poèmes ou leurs dessins à l'arbre.
"Coucher du soleil en hiver", poème de CLAUDIO CHIABOTTI, Torino, Italie
Coucher du soleil en hiver
Coucher du soleil
d'un jour
sans soleil.
Neige muette
Qui crie
Sonnendämmerung im
Eines sonnenlosen Tages.
Der Schnee schreit,
Seine Einsamkeit.
Claudio Chiabotti
January 2009
(copyright de l'artiste)
"Le poète fou" poème de LARRY THEOBALDS a.k.a., Canada
There's things that I am,
and things that I aint,
whether drawing or scribbling,
with pen or with paint,
I am what I am,
that's all that I'll be
a crazy old guy,
just little old me........
Larry Theobalds a.k.a.
LIEN: http://www.artbreak.com/madpoet
"If you hold a mirror", poème d'ANDREW DELOSS EATON, Missouri. USA. "The Shadow of life", tableau d'OCTAVIAN FLORESCU, Canada
If You Hold a Mirror
If you hold a mirror
In your hands in a room
The room is real
Or is its expression.
Water like far off foil
Shook in the desert
Is the desert’s need
To quench its loneliness.
On the floor
Art was the talk
Draining from the corners
Of your mouth.
If you can you should
Look for the color
Nearest to you.
All you have done
What you wanted to become
Amounts to a shadow
Vacant and thin
In the moon’s eye.
-Andrew Deloss Eaton
LIEN: www.pcset.com (copyright de l'artiste)
"The shadow of life", tableau et mots d'Octavian Florescu, Canada
In my soul reasonates the vibrational twilight of emotional stillness in this painting ruptured only by the vibration of life contained in the canvas of water on the aisle, surrounded by the barren and inhospitable sands of this reality. The artistic sculpturation and movement of the sands seem to be echoing their soul towards the musical vibration beating at the very heart of every culture within humanity, and this smooth tension ebbs and flows throughout the pervading harmonic stillness; as dark clouds encroach onto the atmosphere with their silent majesty, creating an unsettling vibration of forbode. Within this eerie stillness emerges the musical sound of a trickle of water, of life, that is flowing onto the parched sands of this reality from a canvas of art on the easel. From this aisle is cast the shadow of the artist himself and from within the shadow of his hands he holds an extremely small, delicate and beautifully colourful abstract art form; - it is his life...his palette. This object is radiating a phenomenal amount of musical energy which is amplified still futher by the vibrational stillness and quiet created perfectly by this painting
(copyright de l'artiste)
LIEN: http://www.pcset.com/
Poème par Veronica Grivetti, Torino, Italie
Vorrei dormire, ma non si può
è vietato dalla legge
- una legge crudele,senza pietà,
che mi condanna a restare in eterna veglia -
E voglio fumare
- fumare e dissolvere -
- liquefare e contaminare -
in vecchie immagini
- foto di una vita mai esistita/
ma che ha inciso in profondità -
finisci prima queste parole
e poi tenta l'ultimo tentativo.
Se non riuscirai -
non ti resta che implorare la grazia
[una qualsiasi grazia:
vuoto o morte
a questo punto poco importa]
Spera che te stessa sia in casa e ti risponda.
LIEN: http://landofvegas.
Light of my soul, mixed media art work by LAUREEN WARRINTON, France. Ecrite sur le verre, poème d'ALISA VELAJ, Albanie
(copyright de l'artiste)
LIEN: http://www.artbreak.com/M-Mission
Ecrite sur le verre
Jamais je crains les crepuscules
Quand je sais que je peux leur inventer la pluie
et le sons.
Tes levres charnues je les avale
En tout contact de mes levres
Avec le whisky ecossais.
Je suis conscience ecrite sur le verre!