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SUNSET IN A CUP - Turin, Italie - SALONE DEL LIBRO - mai 2017

20 Mai 2017, 04:21am

Publié par image.poésie

Lidia Chiarelli au SALON DU LIVRE de Turin, mai 2017

Lidia Chiarelli au SALON DU LIVRE de Turin, mai 2017



La raccolta poetica di Lidia Chiarelli, che scrive in italiano e in inglese, si può definire un omaggio a dodici scrittrici inglesi e americane (Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield, Emily Dickinson …) ed è arricchita da collage digitali, rappresentando un bell’esempio di come la poesia e l’arte una volte unite possano dare origine ad una nuova opera ricca e completa, secondo i principi enunciati nel movimento artistico Immagine & Poesia, di cui l’autrice è stata co-fondatrice, nel 2007, insieme alla poetessa inglese Aeronwy Thomas (figlia di Dylan Thomas).
A new collection of Poetry and Art. Published bilingually in Italian and English, Lidia Chiarelli turns her mind to twelve English and American writers who have inspired her, from Virginia Woolf to Emily Dickinson, from Christina Rossetti to Katherine Mansfield. A digital collage introduces each poem according to the principle that  Visual Art and Poetry, once joined, can create a new, rich and complete form of Art, as stated in the Manifesto of the Movement Immagine & Poesia, founded by Chiarelli with Aeronwy Thomas in 2007.



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WORLD POETRY'S DAY by Teresinka Pereira, Brazil

27 Mars 2017, 06:45am

Publié par image.poésie

March 21st 2017
Poetry smiles
even when it
fluctuates in sadness.
Poetry communicates
with nobles in palaces
even when is made
inside a shed
or under a tree.
God save poetry
because it denies
the end of the World
and makes someone
smile when the rest of us
are going crazy!
Teresinka Pereira

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CAMILLE CLAUDEL - poème et collage by Lidia Chiarelli, Italie

23 Mars 2017, 06:50am

Publié par image.poésie

CAMILLE CLAUDEL - poème et collage by Lidia Chiarelli, Italie


Poème pour Camille Claudel


Il y a toujours quelque chose d’absent qui me tourmente.
Camille Claudel



(19 octobre 1943)


Nuages denses

corbeaux invisibles

flottants dans le ciel de la Provence

le vent s’enrage

et ouvre des fissures bleues


petite fille étonnée

seule, tu écoutes la voix du silence

et regardes les grandes flaques

et l’argile brune

cadeau précieux

que la pluie de la nuit

a apporté


pour la dernière fois

dans une lumière irréelle

de cette boue

des créatures étranges



par ta main tremblante

abandonnée à leur vie


c’est alors qu’un calme inconnu

te saisit

et tu souris

infiniment libre

en ce matin d’octobre

à Montdesvergues


Lidia Chiarelli, Italie


Lidia Chiarelli: artiste, écrivain et fondatrice du Mouvement artistique littéraire Image & Poésie http://immaginepoesia.jimdo.com/

Ses poèmes ont obtenu de nombreux prix et ont été traduits et publiés en plusieurs langues.

Poète nommée pour le Prix Pushcart (États-Unis ) 2014, 2015 et 2016.


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21 Octobre 2016, 19:02pm

Publié par image.poésie





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Hommage à Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Turin - Octobre 12-23 2016

11 Octobre 2016, 18:43pm

Publié par image.poésie

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"Vision Test" by Kyung-Nyun Richards

30 Août 2016, 06:20am

Publié par image.poésie

"Vision Test" by Kyung-Nyun Richards

Cross-Cultural Communications, NY

“Kyung-Nyun Richards' poetry is powered by her integrity, her honesty and her wisdom, all of which exemplify her strengths and her delicacy. One senses a real experience of her knowledge of life’s ‘dismays and rainbows,’ to quote Dylan Thomas.’’ —Peter Thabit Jones, Poet, dramatist, editor & publisher of The Seventh Quarry “If you’re the type of reader who wonders whether it is better to be reincarnated as a tree rather than as a bloom, then Vision Test by Kyung-Nyun Kim Richards is the book for you. . . . Like William Blake’s work, this book fuses the Western and Eastern sensitivities.’’ —Hal Sirowitz, Former Poet Laureate of Queens, New York “In her Vision Test, Kyung-Nyun Kim Richards has captured many aspects of life, as trivial as a report card or a vision test, as common as a tree or a clam.” —Hong Ai Bai, Co-Author, A Break in Passing Clouds: Improvisations of Chinese Poems Kyung-Nyun Kim Richards . . . unique sensibility brings forth the world of her ordinary experiences in deep and generous lyrical language. —Kwon Young-Min, Critic & Prof. of Korean Literature 128pp $15.00 paper/ISBN 978-0-89304-220-2 Publication date: April 30, 2016 Shipping: $5.00 U.S./$10.00 Foreign; add $.50/$5.00 each additional copy. NYS residents 8 5/8% sales tax.

VISION TEST by Kyung-Nyun Kim Richards

Cover art by Gianpiero Actis

Cover design by Li Yao

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IMMAGINE & POESIA (Anthology) 2016 - Poems and Images from the World

23 Juin 2016, 04:47am

Publié par image.poésie

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"Fine" poem by Mariateresa Caselli. "Winter Sea" (Verso l'ignoto), painting by Gianpiero Actis

21 Juin 2016, 18:07pm

Publié par image.poésie

"Winter Sea"
"Winter Sea"


Ho capito che è la fine

Non ho saputo darti quello che cercavi

Troppa dolcezza, troppa sottomissione

E stai volando altrove

Peccato...che io ti amo tanto!


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"Time" painting by Lalit Jain, India. "Attesa" poem by Mariateresa Caselli, Italy

21 Juin 2016, 17:58pm

Publié par image.poésie

Time, painting by Lalit Jain, India
Time, painting by Lalit Jain, India


Per chi vive di sogni

Come me

Il momento più bello è l'attesa

Di sentirti

Di vederti

Di interessarti

Di stringerti

Di rivivere in te

Di sciogliermi d'amore con te !


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"Due coniugi artisti" poème par Eralda Andreo Trovero, Italie

3 Avril 2016, 18:57pm

Publié par image.poésie

"Due coniugi artisti" poème par Eralda Andreo Trovero, Italie

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