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"Where I came from" poem and image by Timileyin Gabriel Olajuwon, Nigeria
Photo by Timileyin Gabriel Olajuwon WHERE I CAME FROM This is a song on the lips of gods... Since gods are spirits,where do gods live? - you may ask;gods live in the desert of milkof honey set in between dry bamboos,they house in a cave of public streetsof...
Lidia Chiarelli's SLANTS OF LIGHT on show at THE POETS HOUSE New York
Lidia Chiarelli: Inclinazioni di Luce – Slants of Light, Cross-Cultural Communicactions, New York 2019 (Editor Publisher: Stanley H. Barkan) on show at the 27th Annual Poets House Showcase Jun 27, 2019 | 6:00 pm – Aug 17, 2019 | 6:00 pm New York
Reflets Wallonie-Bruxelles (A.R.E.W.): Salvatore Gucciardo pour le #DylanDay
SALVATORE GUCCIARDO (BELGIQUE): L'ÂME COSMIQUE Reflets Wallonie-Bruxelles Revue de l’Association Royale des Ecrivains de Wallonie (A.R.E.W.) AREAW.BE 18-05-2020 Salvatore Gucciardo participe à la JOURNÉE INTERNATIONALE DYLAN THOMAS (14 mai) Activités...
Lidia Chiarelli à la Bibliothèque de Babylone - Monténégro
Lidia Chiarelli (Pop Art Style) Vavilonska biblioteka/Library of Babilon Nastavljamo sa Vavilonskom rubrikom "Prevodilačka književnost" u kojoj vam danas predstavljamo italijansku svestranu umjetnicu, po osnovnoj vokaciji pjesnikinju, Lidiju Chiarelli...
The Bride's Last Night, poem by Tzemin Ition Tsai, Taiwan. Digital collage by Lidia Chiarelli, Italy
新娘的最後一夜 夜,如另外一個黑暗的傷害 苦澀而難言,可怕 夫家是個星星不發光的地方 不知道未來的丈夫 為了愛,是否點得亮天上的光 未來的婆婆可以照亮天空 因為我是他們的女兒 過去風吹上天空 始終觸動持續的夜曲 通過窗戶,而今天晚怎麼了 沒有一點聲音 沒有一點聲音 無處不在的是月亮的光芒,安靜 嗜睡克服了深刻的意識 不記得太陽的臉了 平靜的銀河,永遠不知道流往何處 閉上眼睛,背誦一首詩 The Bride's Last Night Night, such as another dark injury...
"The Garden of Fears" by yeşim ağaoğlu
"Alternatif" by yeşim ağaoğlu the gardens of fears when its night time murderers come to the garden of fears to swing on the swings they get on the danger-slides and slide away they jump thru the terror-hoop and dig in the sand pile of regrets as if to...
Lidia Chiarelli: Inclinazioni di luce / Slants of Light, CCC New York 2019 This is a bilingual (Italian-English) art & poetry tribute to women collection. It includes...
Katarina Sarić: MYTHOMANE
Katarina Sarić MYTHOMANE Pardonne-moi, je t’ ai confondu avec Lui. / Je n’ai pas voulu / Par coïncidence, c'était la nuit de la nouvelle lune, juste née du placenta du nuage comme la vie sanglante de l'utérus, une nouvelle feuille d'une page romantique...
The logo of IMMAGINE & POESIA was created by Gianpiero Actis and Lidia Chiarelli in 2007 when the Movement was launched at Alfa Theater, Turin Italy. In the logo there are segments of bright colors (blue, green, yellow, red, white), colors that convey...
The Loyalty of Fire by James Tian 田宇, China. Artwork by Lidia Chiarelli, Italy
THE LOYALTY OF FIRE, digital artwork by Lidia Chiarelli 田宇 The Loyalty of Fire By James Tian The quiet view encircled a heart, The feeling of fierceness, Aroused the sentiment and chuck. Opened the heart, And embraced the heaven and earth, I love this...
Beausoleil: una nuova mostra del movimento Immagine & Poesia
Al Cyberespace, 32 boulevard de la République/ ottobre 2012 Il movimento Immagine & Poesia, presieduto da Lidia Chiarelli , organizza una nuova mostra a Beausoleil. Dopo il successo ottenuto lo scorso anno con l’inaugurazione di una mostra permanente...
Lidia Chiarelli et Aeronwy Thomas: c'est le début du Mouvement Immagine & Poesia, Turin, Italie
IMMAGINE&POESIA (IMAGE&POESIE) est le mouvement international artistique littéraire fondé en 2007 à Turin, Italie, sous la Présidence d'Aeronwy Thomas fille du poète anglais Dylan Thomas. Les membres fondateurs sont: Aeronwy Thomas, écrivaine anglaise;...
Lidia Chiarelli inaugure l'exposition "Tramonto in una tazza" à Rivalta di Torino - 28 avril 2018
Asror Allayarov (Ouzbékistan) est le nouveau représentant d'Immagine & Poesia
Asror Allayarov est le nouveau représentant d'Immagine & Poesia Asror Allayarov est un jeune journaliste en Ouzbékistan. Il est actuellement rédacteur en chef de Karshi pour un journal nommé Eastern World. Il a remporté des prix d'écriture locaux et internationaux,...
A Bord du navire Costa Deliziosa
Ces livres sont à bord du navire Costa Deliziosa et sont disponibles dans la bibliothèque Velvet : Lidia Chiarelli - Immagine & Poesia - Cross-Cultural Communications, New York 2013 Lidia Chiarelli - Tramonto in una tazza - Sunset in a Cup - Edizioni...
Lidia Chiarelli reçoit le "Dragon Boat Festival of Zhengxin International Poet Award, Chine - Juin 2022"
The special event of Dragon Boat Festival of Zhengxin International Poet Award officially ended on June 6, 2022 . The event received the works of 24 poets from abroad and 40 famous poets from China. They all read their wonderful poems and thanked with...
Les larmes de Juin - fine art photos by Lidia Chiarelli, Turin Italie
"EXISTENTIELLE" poème de Katarina Sarić (Monténégro)
EXISTENTIELLE ( Dédiée à George Sand) Un autre jour a rencontré des problèmes existentiels et il n'y avait pas de signal J'ai détesté passer à une autre chaîne pour vérifier les câbles contacter l'opérateur j'ai aussi détesté me lever Je lui ai tiré une...
DO YOU EXIST by Milana Janjičić, Srbija / KADA JE OTAC UMRO by Ana Babić, Srbija
DO YOU EXIST - You'll never see me kneeling. You never will in my eyes see the desire to escape. I have kept your name silent for centuries. My room is warm with desire. He watched me with his heavy eyes. Whoever sees them once, he remembers them forever....
CAMILLE CLAUDEL - poème et collage by Lidia Chiarelli, Italie
Poème pour Camille Claudel Il y a toujours quelque chose d’absent qui me tourmente. ― Camille Claudel (19 octobre 1943) Nuages denses corbeaux invisibles flottants dans le ciel de la Provence le vent s’enrage et ouvre des fissures bleues petite fille...
OM NAMAH SHIVAY by DR. Ram Sharma, India
Lamp of Love Poems of Heart from Dr. Ram Sharma OM NAMAH SHIVAY Thou are truth thou are beautiful thou are welfaristic centre of all positive energy we offer holy water of Ganges on Shivlinga always meditate for the world thou destroyer of negative energy...
Lidia Chiarelli at the 4th Huang Yazhou International Poetry Festival- China
The list of the winners of The 4th Huang Yazhou International Poetry Festival In 2021 ( international poets group ) was announced: The international poets group of this award was established for the first time in 2021. A total of 40 poets were shortlisted...
Poems by Nguyen Thanh Thuong from Vietnam
Nguyen Thanh Thuong Poems by Thanh Thuong from Vietnam Her biography: Her full name: Nguyen Thanh Thuong A Teacher, and a Poet, too. Date of birth: May 11, 1968 Living in: Hanoi There have been many poems printed and published in newspapers and in literary...
Marsha Solomon, USA: Autumn Vines - Vignes d'automne
Vignes d'automne - sumi ink and acrylic on canvas Solomon, Marsha (États-Unis) Marsha Solomon vit et travaille comme peintre et poète à New York. Son travail a été présenté dans des musées et des galeries aux États-Unis et en Europe, et a fait l'objet...
"Our differences" gogyoshi by Taro Aizu, Japan - Digital Collage by Lidia Chiarelli, Italy
Digital Collage by Lidia Chiarelli, Italy Our differences I’m different from you. You’re different from me. Let’s enjoy not only our similarities but our differences. TARO AIZU _____________ Le nostre differenze Io sono diverso da te tu sei diverso da...