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"Coffee" poem by Khe Iem, Vietnam
COFFEE set the oars the empty ferry-boat supposes such metaphorical words do not trifle with memory irascible it has come time to bury alive breath itself drip drop the coffee drips Khe Iem Khe Iem, Vietnamese playwright, storywriter, poet, editor.
"Le poète fou" poème de LARRY THEOBALDS a.k.a., Canada
There's things that I am, and things that I aint, whether drawing or scribbling, with pen or with paint, I am what I am, that's all that I'll be a crazy old guy, just little old me........ Larry Theobalds a.k.a. LIEN:
"Open-Air Market" by Khe Iem, Vietnam
OPEN-AIR MARKET dusty disorderly, sunny and windy breaths of days madly singing listening eliminating everything fluttering, fluttering birds fly about beware of twilight closing the door Khe Iem Khe Iem, Vietnamese playwright, storywriter, poet, edi...
On cherche des traducteurs du MANIFESTE d'IMAGE&POESIE
Bonjour! Nous avons fondé un Mouvement artistique littéraire qui s'appelle IMAGE&POESIE et nous avons un MANIFES
Livres en exposition au Salon du Livre, Turin, Mai 2014
Les livres en exposition au Salon du Livre, Turin, Mai 2014: “Trzynoscie - na szczęście” (Thirteen – for luck) by KRYSZTOF OGONOWSKI, Warszawa 2013 “Immagine & Poesia – the Movement in Progress” by LIDIA CHIARELLI, New York 2013
ABSTRACT, tableau de HESHAN, Alexandrie, Egypte. GLOD, poésie d'AERONWY THOMAS
Article sans titre
''La rivière des mots'' par R Gopakumar, Bahrain / Inde
DANCER, digital painting by SARAH JACKSON, canada. Poésie de
"Ange Noa" tableau et poème de SYLVIA ADJABROUX, France
"Crane and sunset" , fine art photo by
"Amor" poème de BERNA
"Street Lamp" photo par Terea Doster, U.S.A.
Journée des paintres à Villa Pompeo Mariani, Bordighera
AT SEA, tableau de Greece. Odyssey's Monologue, poèsie d'ALISA VELA
"L'Objet" tableau de Moonart, Jordan. Poème d'ARONWY THOMAS
"Circus Maestro" - "Closing down the Circis" tableau et poésie par Carolyn Mary Kleefeld, USA
Exposition du Mouvement Image & Poésie - Agliè (Turin) 2013
"The Circus" tabeau de MARIANNV, Hingary.
La lumière dans l'art et dans la poésie: Adel Gorgy et Lidia Chiarelli
"Grain de beauté" - "Grain de raisin", poème et image par Françoise Favre - France