INFORMATIVA PER I LETTORI Nel rispetto del provvedimento emanato, in data 8 maggio 2014, dal garante per la protezione dei dati personali, si avvisano i lettori che questo sito si serve dei cookie per fornire servizi e per effettuare analisi statistiche completamente anonime. Pertanto proseguendo con la navigazione si presta il consenso all' uso dei cookie.--- IMAGE&POESIE est un mouvement artistique littéraire fondé à Turin (Italie) en 2007. Le mouvement propose aux artistes et aux poètes des moments de "créativité croisée"-
lidia chiarelli
Le poème "TIMES SQUARE" de Lidia Chiarelli publié en Chine - Décembre 2020
玛丽娅・纳杰弗・波波夫(Marija Najthefer Popov) ...
Poéme n. 12
Une médaille et un certificat d'appréciation pour Lidia Chiarelli, artiste et poète
L'Art aux temps du Coronavirus - installation de l'artiste italienne Lidia Chiarelli, Agliè-Turin
"Young Woman" poème par Khe Iem / Viêt Nam. Traduction et image par Lidia Chiarelli - avec une lettre par Gina Nguyen
tangled; eyes
mirror, comb
dressing table and chair
illuminating warm (rays of) blues and golds
feelings of falling in love
suppressed from beyond the front door
Khe Iem
emmêlés; yeux
miroir, peigne
coiffeuse et chaise
des rayons lumineux et chauds de bleu et d'or
le sentiment de tomber amoureux
reprimé de l'autre côté de la porte d'entrée
UNE LETTRE en anglais par Gina Nguyen
By Gina Nguyen
I think it is crazy how I never thought that I would wake up one morning and have fallen in love. Every day I think of you and it makes me happy. I know I will never have to worry about losing you because I know that you will never leave me. I know it but can't explain how.
I just wanted you to know that I am the luckiest woman to be with you. I have never been so happy in my life before I met you. You mean the whole world to me and I can't wait for the day when the world knows the love I have for you. I want nothing more than to be a perfect woman for You.
My sweetheart, loving you is like a flower that makes my whole day beautiful. Without you, my life is like an empty space which has no drop of joy and happiness. Every night when I go to my bed and after I wake up and all the hours in between, you occupy my mind. Every moment of the day, you are in my thoughts, you are the breath of my life. I promise you I will always be there for you in good and bad times, even if we face the roughest times; I will be always be there for you because I love you.
The first time I heard you say the words, "I love you," it was like a load had been taken off my shoulders. I heard them but was scared. I wanted to hear them again and again for the rest of my life from you. You have opened up new and exciting doors for us that I can't wait to explore with you. When I feel your touch, my heart melts and my soul is set on fire with desire to hold you and kiss you. You have become my very best friend and my lover
Lidia Chiarelli - IL RICHIAMO DELL'ONDA - publication - prix du concours FLORISEUM - Sanremo
"IL RICHIAMO DELL'ONDA" recueil de poèmes de Lidia Chiarelli, Edizioni Vitale Sanremo 2020
"Monet Experience" poème de Lidia Chiarelli - 1er prix au prix international de poésie inédite "BESIO 1860".
Monet Experience
Bordighera, Giardino di Villa Pompeo Mariani
J’ai peint aujourd’hui au son de la musique:
Bordighera était en fête…et les échos m’arrivaient sous les palmiers.
Claude Monet
Bordighera, 26 février 1884
Armonie di luci e colori
che un tempo
abbagliarono Monet.
essenze fresche di primavera
che eclissano ogni pensiero
nell’ora tarda del mattino
rose antiche si sfrangiano
tra fiori di pesco
palme e limoni
( les pêchers mêlés
aux palmiers, aux citronniers…)
all’improvviso giocosi
suoni di una banda lontana
colorano l’aria
e risvegliano vibranti emozioni.
È questo il momento
delle parole perdute
negli squarci di azzurro
parole che tornano leggere
per raccontare
l’incanto perfetto e rarefatto
di un giardino dai contorni sfumati
l’incanto di un giardino senza tempo.
Lidia Chiarelli