INFORMATIVA PER I LETTORI Nel rispetto del provvedimento emanato, in data 8 maggio 2014, dal garante per la protezione dei dati personali, si avvisano i lettori che questo sito si serve dei cookie per fornire servizi e per effettuare analisi statistiche completamente anonime. Pertanto proseguendo con la navigazione si presta il consenso all' uso dei cookie.--- IMAGE&POESIE est un mouvement artistique littéraire fondé à Turin (Italie) en 2007. Le mouvement propose aux artistes et aux poètes des moments de "créativité croisée"-
"Larmes de juin sur le jasmin parfumé" - fine art photo by Lidia Chiarelli, Turin Italie
Les larmes de Juin - fine art photos by Lidia Chiarelli, Turin Italie
REFLECTION by Timileyin Gabriel Olajuwon, Nigeria
REFLECTION – Timileyin Gabriel Olajuwon
When you look into a mirror,
How do you explain the spots in your shadow:
Do you see a ghost or a vast coast,
a silent grave or a burning altar,
a swaying dove or a playing cat,
a body, a soul or a spirit fighting your ageless self?
Mama said " a woman's heart is a reflection of self;
it is a talking drum of two faces,
what face you see is whom you've become;
when you see a silence like the calm ocean or
an emptiness like a withered leaf,
look beyond your eyes to see the shadow in your darkest hour
& be the silence in graveyards of living souls... "
This is how to begin a
journey into a woman's heart:
"Begin with a reflection of self
& end with an expression of silence"
Copyright (C) 2018
Timileyin Gabriel Olajuwon
Timileyin Gabriel Olajuwon hails from Osun State, Nigeria. His poems have appeared in poetry journals, magazines and anthologies. He is the brain behind “Muse for World Peace Anthology” and the author of “Call for Retreat” 2013, "The Muse" 2017 and “Apeke and other poems” 2017– collections of poems.
More info:
Lidia Chiarelli au SALON DU LIVRE - Turin 2018
TRAMONTO IN UNA TAZZA - aussi E Book - Kindle:
Lidia Chiarelli inaugure l'exposition "Tramonto in una tazza" à Rivalta di Torino - 28 avril 2018
Poetry and figurative art could lead to moments of Cross Fertilization